Investor Q&A – Jared Jennett
Dec 2, 2024

Who is Jared Jenett?
Jared Jennett is an Assistant General Manager at MOM’s Organic Market, where he oversees operations and ensures exceptional customer experiences. With a background in graphic design and printmaking, Jared has also led creative projects as Head Graphic Designer at MODEST Magazine, focusing on high-quality visual assets and stakeholder management.
Jared on Climatize
How did you discover the Climatize platform, and what motivated you to invest with climate in mind?
“I discovered the Climatize platform when I was listening to the ‘Everybody in the Pool’ podcast. I was already interested in making investments and gaining a form of return, and doing so with climate in mind resonates much more strongly with me.”
What are your thoughts on the current political climate's impact on the renewable energy movement?
“Unfortunately, I believe that regardless of who won the election, a blow was to be had toward the climate movement. However, my limited understanding of the political party that is currently reigning suggests it will unintentionally encourage local commerce. There will naturally be a void in the space for local, quality, and accessible goods, and this might cause new investment opportunities.”
As an investor, how important is the impact of the projects you support?
“As an investor, I care most about the impact of the projects. If I had a choice between supporting a single, small farm and supporting a company that will electrify a city, I would choose the one with the largest impact.”
Do you think renewable energy investments are becoming mainstream?
“I believe that renewable energy investments still belong to a niche of climate activists. But as an opportunity for return is seen in this space, and as renewable energy becomes more sensationalized and trendy in states like CA and MA, there will be a movement of diverse individuals breaking into the space.”
What would you say to someone hesitant about investing in renewable energy?
“I can only imagine a scenario in which someone would be hesitant about investing in renewable energy because of the return. At the moment, it might appear to be too small in scale for any individuals with the ability to make a large impact, and to smaller investors, it might seem like a field without enough information for them to learn about. But I think renewable energy is going to be an integral and inevitable part of our future, and the earlier investors in the space will reap the larger rewards. More importantly, the investment has a greater deal of meaning than the mainstream alternatives.”
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Climatize announces their 1.75M funding round.