Electrify Everything

Donnel Baird

Offering Terms

  • Investment Goal: $500,000
  • Minimum Investment: $10
  • 10% Annual Interest
  • 5 Year Term, Semi-Annual Repayments
  • Available Until: November 20th, 2024


Empowering a Greener, Healthier Future for All

Building on the resounding success of our previous campaign, Electrify America’s Buildings, BlocPower is thrilled to announce the launch of our next ambitious initiative: Electrify Everything. This new campaign is more than just a continuation — it’s a bold expansion of our mission to transform America’s urban landscapes into smarter, greener, and healthier communities.

By focusing on energy efficiency upgrades, renewable energy projects, and the development of electric vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure, Electrify Everything aims to drive a nationwide shift towards a clean energy economy that is equitable and inclusive.

The BlocPower Mission

Transforming Cities, Empowering Communities

BlocPower Energy Services 3 LLC (BPES3), a specialized entity within the BlocPower family, is at the forefront of this transformative mission. As a subsidiary of the Brooklyn-based energy technology leader, BlocPower LLC, BPES3 is uniquely equipped to leverage its parent company’s extensive expertise in urban electrification. Our mission is clear: to finance and execute energy initiatives that will significantly reduce the carbon footprint of America’s cities, particularly in urban areas with low to moderate income levels.

Our approach is comprehensive and innovative. BlocPower has developed an all-encompassing platform that includes advanced software solutions, program management, project installation, financing, and workforce training. This holistic strategy ensures that every electrification project we undertake is not only successful but also sustainable and impactful in the long term.

The Urgent Need for Electrification

The commercial sector, especially smaller buildings, represents a significant portion of U.S. energy consumption—between 20-30% to be exact. With rising fossil fuel costs, increasing market volatility, and new incentives from the Inflation Reduction Act, there has never been a more critical time to transition these buildings from fossil fuels to electrified solutions. The opportunity is vast, and the need is urgent.

Take the city of Ithaca, NY, as an example. This community of around 30,000 residents is undergoing an electrification process that could require hundreds of millions of dollars in investment. Scaling this effort to larger urban areas nationwide highlights the enormous financial commitment needed—potentially reaching trillions of dollars—to reduce our dependence on fossil fuels. This monumental challenge is one that BlocPower is prepared to meet head-on.

A Track Record of Success

BlocPower is not new to these challenges. We have already established significant agreements with major cities and utilities across the country, including partnerships with New York City, San Jose, Denver, and Cambridge, as well as with leading entities like Commonwealth Edison in Chicago. These partnerships are a testament to BlocPower’s proven ability to deliver on our promises.

Our recent Series B fundraising round, which brought in approximately $27 million from prestigious investors such as VoLo Earth, Microsoft’s Climate Innovation Fund, and Credit Suisse, further reinforces our strategic position in the industry. This influx of capital is being used to enhance our program delivery, expand our software and financing solutions, and scale our operations to meet the growing demand for electrification across the United States.

The Power of Crowdfunding

Crowdfunding has been a cornerstone of BlocPower’s funding strategy, allowing the public to become direct investors in our mission to electrify America’s buildings and communities. This approach has not only brought in vital capital but has also empowered individuals to participate in the clean energy revolution.

Moving forward, we plan to continue this mixed funding model, combining public investments with support from foundations, non-profits, and other partners to ensure that our projects have the broad backing they need to succeed.

The Electrify Everything campaign will take this model to new heights, using the capital raised to finance energy efficiency upgrades, renewable energy projects, and the expansion of EV charging infrastructure across the country. With these funds, we can help cities transition away from fossil fuels, reduce their carbon footprints, and build a more resilient and equitable energy future.

Building a Sustainable Future Together

As we embark on this new chapter with Electrify Everything, we are calling on our community of supporters, investors, and partners to join us in making a lasting impact.

The capital raised will be carefully managed by BPES3, ensuring that it is directed toward projects that will have the most significant effect on reducing emissions and promoting energy equity. As a wholly-owned subsidiary of BlocPower LLC, BPES3 operates with a clear mandate: to manage energy-related and real estate assets, issue short-term construction loans to related entities, and maintain rigorous project and financial management under a management agreement with BlocPower LLC. This structure allows us to execute our projects with the precision and oversight needed to achieve our ambitious goals.

Our journey is far from over, and the road ahead is filled with both challenges and opportunities. The success of Electrify Everything will not only contribute to a greener, healthier America but will also serve as a model for how communities across the globe can transition to clean energy in a way that is just and inclusive.

Join Us in Electrifying Everything

The time to act is now. Climate change and environmental injustice are challenges that cannot wait, and Electrify Everything is our response to these pressing issues. By investing in this campaign, you are not just contributing to individual projects—you are joining a movement to build a sustainable future for generations to come.

Together, we can make a difference. Together, we can Electrify Everything.

Use of Proceeds

The capital secured through this initiative is earmarked for investment in energy efficiency, renewable energy, and electric vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure projects.

Financial Information

BlocPower Energy Services 3 LLC is issuing Climate Impact Notes. The Notes are senior and unsecured, with a fixed interest rate of 10% per year paid semi-annually for the 5-year term. 

For each of the 10 semi-annual payments, the investor will receive the same flat payment, including interest due plus repayment of a portion of their principal. The first payment will start 6 months from the Issuance Date. 

The investment can be repaid early with a 12% penalty.

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Financial Disclosure

Content is based entirely upon BlocPower’s representations. Prior results do not guarantee future success. It’s important to note that investing in renewable energy projects through crowdfunding carries financial risks and may not be suitable for everyone. As with any investment, there is a possibility that you may lose some or all of the money you invest. It’s important to note that this article should not be considered investment advice. The information provided is for informational purposes only and is not intended to recommend or endorse any particular investment strategy. The information provided in this article is for informational purposes only and should not be considered financial or investment advice. It’s crucial to do your own research and consult with a financial advisor or professional before making any investment decisions, especially when investing in renewable energy projects through crowdfunding, which carries financial risks and may not be suitable for everyone.

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